Strategy #15

Lay Bets - craps payouts are the opposite of Buy bets. You are betting the seven will show before one of the point numbers. Lay bets pay at the true odds of. Just as place bets enable you to choose your number instead of going through a comeout roll when betting with the shooter, craps lay bets enable don't bettors to chose the numbers they want to bet against. If you want to bet against the least frequently rolled points - 4 and 10 - you can tell the dealer 'lay the 4' or 'lay the 10.'

Best Bet In Craps

No 4 or No 10 – Good for a cold or choppy table

Basic Gist: Lay the 4 and/or the 10 and hope that 7 is thrown before the 4 or 10.

Max Loss: $41 on 1 lay $82 if you lay both

You can make this bet and take it down at anytime. You can bet both the 4 and 10 at the same time. What you are doing is laying the odds ( say $40 ) that a 7 will be thrown before a 4 or 10. This is one of the better bets you can make.

Notice on the table that there isn't any wording about this bet, unlike the large lettered field and come. It's so advantageous to the player that the casino charges you a 5% vig on the amount of money you'll win.
Simply say to the dealer that you want a No 4 for $40. You put down $41 ( 5% on a $20 win is $1 ) and the dealer will put your money in the don't come box above the 4. Now you hope a 7 is thrown before a 4.

A win will pay $20. You can take the No 4 bet of $40 down or pay another dollar and leave it up.I like to make this bet after a 4 or 10 is thrown. Most shooters will 7 out after 4 rolls and it is less likely that they will throw a second 4 or 10 before a 7. I also follow how often the 4 and 10 are being thrown at the tables. If a lot of 4's are coming up, I'll favor the 10.

This bet can be hedged with a bet on the hard 4 or 10. The downside to this bet is that you are risking twice as much money as you'll win. A 4 or 10 coming up before a 7 is a bankroll killer.

Types of Craps Bets

Line Bets:
Single Roll Bets:

Craps Lay Bet Payout

Multi Roll Bets:

What Is A Lay Bet In Craps

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This is one of the more complicated and interesting bets in craps. First I will start off talking about the buy bet. Basically, players can make a bet on the established point numbers at any time. Players will win if the shooter rolls the point number before the seven. The payouts would be excellent because it would be paid by true odds. That means 4 and 10 pays out 2:1 odds, 5 and 9 pays out 3:2 odds and 6 and 8 pay out 6:5 odds. This is also the actual odds of winning the bet so the house edge is zero! To sum it up, it pays out exactly same way as the pass odds bet for each number. The catch is a player must pay a 5% commission to the house, which is known as 'vig' or 'juice'. This small fee increased the house edge from 0% to 4.76%.

Lay Bet Strategy Craps

The lay bet works almost the same way, except it is the opposite. This time you wager on the point number and that the shooter will roll a seven before the point. Again, players are paid out the true odds with no house edge, along with the 5% vig commission. Although, because the seven gets thrown more often than any other number, your payouts are 'less than even'. Also, the house edge for 4 and 10 is 2.44%, the edge for 5 and 9 is 3.23% and the house edge for 6 and 8 is 4.00%.

This bet would be perfect if it wasn't for that commission. The lay and buy bet is almost like a shortcut to the free odds bet, but you have to pay a price rather than just doing it straight from the pass line bet, where you can get around the commissions and also get much better overall odds anyways.

Unfortunately, I could not get a screenshot of where to place this bet on the table because this casino does not support the bet. But if you click on the image below, you can still play the free flash game of craps on this table anyways and practice the game, which is beneficial anyways for new players.

Click on the image above to instantly practice and play free craps in your browser.
(Opens in separate window in full screen.)

* As of 2021, US players are unable to play the craps game listed above. US players please click the banners on the left side (or below for mobile users) to visit free and real-money craps games at US-friendly casinos.