1. The dealer is required to hit on anything 16 and below, and must stand on anything 17 and up, no choices to do anything else like splitting or doubling down (they have no bet to double anyways).
  2. Dealer doesn't normally show hole card, so did you mean a 6 is showing? With a deck having a normal ratio of 10's to non-10's, you would stand and hope dealer busts.

How To Know When To Hit On 16

Does Blackjack Dealer Hit On 16, is casino room legit, pot buyer poker, 3 borderlands symbols slots. That’s a bad play whenever the dealer shows a 7 or higher, but it’s not that rare. What made this latest player really unu sual is that his phobia for hitting 16 extended to soft 16 — hands such as Ace-5 or Ace-3-2 where the Ace is counted as 11. “At least I’m still in the game,” he said when other players tried to show him the light.

Published on Monday, 06 May 2013 17:17
Written by Sam

Probably the worst situation to be in at the blackjack table is to be dealt a 16 while the dealer has a 7 or higher showing. Blackjack charts from all across the world say to hit the 16 when the dealer is showing a 7 or higher, even surrendering in some situations. If you want to beat the casino, you’re going to have to do better than that. So let me share with you one of my key winning blackjack plays…

Never hit your 16.

You say, “but I can’t beat the dealer’s 20 with my 16!”

Does Dealer Hit On 16

And you’re right.

But you definitely can’t beat the dealer if you’ve busted out. And you’ll lose nearly 70% of the time when you hit your 16.

Here’s the statistics. If you hit on your 16, you’ll win 25.23% of the time, push 5.46% of the time, and you will lose 69.31% of the time. That’s a net loss of 44.08% when you hit your 16.

If you stand on your 16, you’ll win 29.01% of the time, push 0%, and lose 70.99% of the time. This is a net loss of 41.98% — so by standing on your 16, you’ll be cutting your losses by 2.1%!

In the situation where you are dealt a 16, you have to realize that you’re probably going to lose, and you need to simply deal with that fact.

You need to stand on the 16 to give yourself the greatest chance of not losing.

Be patient, because you’ll make your money at the blackjack table with the better hands that you’re dealt…

Can dealer hit on 16Does

In my book, I give you everything you need to enjoy the results I enjoy at the Blackjack table. All my plays are detailed in the strategy chart found in the book. I even have a pocket sized laminated version of my strategy card available from my website that will help you make the perfect play every time. And I’ll even autograph the book if you buy from my website. That’s an exclusive offer that you can’t get anywhere else.

I like to assume that anyone reading one of my posts is starting at zero. I’m not doing exactly that here, because I’m not explaining in detail all the rules of casino blackjack.

But I do want to draw the distinction between hard hands and soft hands.

Blackjack is a simple comparing game where the player and dealer each start with a two-card hand. The one with the higher total points for their hand wins the bet, but only if they keep theirtotal to 21 or below. A total of 22 or higher is an automatic loss.

The cards have points based on their rank. The numbered cards have the same number of points as their numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The face cards (jack, queen, and king) are alsoworth 10 points each.

The only exception is the ace. No one would blame you for thinking that an ace is worth 1 point. It is, in fact, in many situations, worth a single point.

But it’s also worth 11 points.

Does The Dealer Hit On 16

When you have a hand with no aces in it, you have a hard total. This means that the total is what the total is.

For example, if you have a jack and a 3, you have a hard total of 13. There’s no wiggle room there. That’s the total.

But if you have an ace and a 3, you have a soft total. That’s because the ace counts as 11, but if you get a card that would otherwise give you a total of 22, you can count it as a 1 instead.

With an ace and a 3, you have a soft 14. If you hit that hand and get a 10, you have a hard 14. (Any hand where the ace must be considered 1 point to avoid busting is also considered a hardhand.)

Does Dealer Hit On 16 Hp


Blackjack Hit On 16

The strategy for a player with a soft hand as opposed to a hard hand is significantly different. Since you have that added layer of protection from busting, the right move is often to play a softtotal more aggressively.

But when we talk about a soft 17 “rule” in blackjack, we’re talking about how the dealer plays his hand.